My City My Responsibility

My City My Responsibility

My City My Responsibility |Week 1 by Pastor Zach | Pastor Zach kicks off our new series "My City My Responsibility." He challenges us to talk to the people around us about what really matters....
My City My Responsibility

My City My Responsibility

My City My Responsibility | 1 by Pastor Kevin | Pastor Kevin starts our new series by discussing how we should be impacting our cities for Christ. Pastor Kevin challenges us to do 2 things. 1. Pray for 3 people who don’t know Jesus, and 2. Talk to them about Jesus or...
My City My Responsibility

My City My Responsibility

My City My Responsibility |Week 1 by Pastor Harald | Pastor Harald gives us encouragement to PRAY and SHARE the gospel with others. GO My City My Responsibility | Week 2 by Pastor Forrest | Pastor...


Job 1 by Pastor Kevin | Pastor Kevin launches our series in Job as we talk about the Sovereignty and Suffering. There is no other book of the Bible or piece of literature in the whole world that addresses the great Why of suffering with the intellectual, philosophical...


JOB | Week 1 by Pastor Harald | Pastor Harald begins our new series in Job. The sovereignty of God vs. Our suffering JOB | Week 2 by Pastor Harald | Pastor Harald shares how Followers of God can respond to suffering...