Job 1

by Pastor Kevin | Pastor Kevin launches our series in Job as we talk about the Sovereignty and Suffering. There is no other book of the Bible or piece of literature in the whole world that addresses the great Why of suffering with the intellectual, philosophical and personal integrity as the book of Job.

Job 2

by Pastor Tim | This week Pastor Tim continues in the new series Job while speaking about how everything is in God’s hands and we can trust Him, even on the worst day of our lives. How will you respond on that day?

Job 3

by Pastor Kevin | This week Pastor Kevin continues in our third week of Job by talking about how we can trust God even when we don’t understand, and how suffering can serve the good purposes of God.

Job 4

by Pastor Luke | Today Pastor Luke will be teaching from Job 3:3. We are continuing in our series about Job. Pastor Luke talks about no matter what our struggles may be, we can conquer anything if we put our faith and trust in Christ Jesus.

Job 5

by Pastor Mike | Throughout this series we have discussed the trials Job was put through that tested his faith. Today Pastor Mike concludes our series in Job, starting in chapter 38:2. He talks about how we may never know the answer to our struggles, but we have to have faith that God uses suffering to take us to a place to grow a deeper relationship with him.