Borowed Time

Borowed Time

Borrowed Time |Week 1 by Pastor Zach | As we kick off 2021, we're starting a brand new series for called Borrowed Time. Pastor Zach teaches from 2 Timothy chapter 1, where Paul is encouraging and telling Timothy to share his faith....
Borowed Time

Borrowed Time

Borrowed Time | 1 by Pastor Kevin | Pastor Kevin teaches from 2 Timothy and challenges us to remember our faith, renew our gift from God, and recognize God's provision.|1.mp3 Borrowed Time | 2 by Pastor Luke | Pastor...
Borowed Time

Borrowed Time

Borrowed Time | Week 1 by Pastor Harald | Pastor Harald teaches 2 Timothy 1:1-18 about what is really important. Borrowed Time | Week 2 by Pastor Harald | Pastor Harald teaches 2 Timothy 2:1-26 about the...
Wreck the Halls

Wreck the Halls

Wreck the Halls | 1 by Pastor Kevin | Today Pastor Kevin starts our Christmas series, Wreck the Halls. He is teaching from Luke 18:9. Pastor Kevin states that Jesus came to wreck religion, so that more importantly we have a relationship with Him and we remember the...
Wreck the Halls

Wreck the Halls

Wreck The Halls |Week 1 by Pastor Zach | This week Pastor Zach kicks off our new series for Christmas: Wreck The Halls. He talks about a story in Luke chapter 18, where we see that Jesus wrecks religion. Wreck The...