Man Up

Man Up

Man Up |Week 1 by Pastor AJ | We'er kicking off our new series Man Up. Pastor Zach looks at 2 Samuel 23 as an example of what Biblical manhood means. Man Up |Week 2 by Pastor Zach | In the second week in our Man...
Man Up

Man Up

Man Up | 1 by Pastor Tim | This week Pastor Tim kicks off our new series, Man Up. Teaching from 2 Samuel 22, we learn about David’s mighty men, specifically three men that “Man Up” in service to King David. Men, it is time to step up!...


Ruth, God's Unseen Plan | 1 by Pastor Kevin | This week Pastor Kevin kicks off the new series by breaking down how we can trust God, follow Him, and will see that He'll take care of us.|1.mp3 Ruth, God's Unseen Plan |...


Ruth |Week 1 by Pastor AJ | Pastor AJ kicks off our new series focussed on the story of Ruth. He sets the scene that we will be in for the next few weeks as we study the book, we see how God's plan can be unforeseen in our lives....


Ruth | Week 1 by Pastor Harald | Starting our new series in Ruth. God's unseen plan Ruth |Week 2 by Pastor Harald | Pastor Harald takes a look at Ruth 2:1-23 and shows us how we can respond when other...