In God We Trust

In God We Trust

In God We Trust |Week 1 by Pastor Zach | Pastor Zach kicks off our new series In God We Trust. He talks about the history of our country and its founding, highlighting what we can do as Christians in the current political climate....
In God We Trust

In God We Trust

In God We Trust | 1 by Pastor Kevin Pinkerton | This week Pastor Kevin starts a new series called In God We Trust. Pastor Kevin teaches on who founded our country, what is our responsibility to government, and how to integrate politics with a biblical worldview....
Phantom Faith

Phantom Faith

Phantom Faith|Week 1 by Pastor Harald | Is our Faith real? Jesus describes the life of a Christian through the parable of the sower. Pastor Harald delivers the Word with encouragement and challenge.
Phantom Faith

Phantom Faith

Phantom Faith | 1 by Pastor Kevin | This week Pastor Kevin begins our new series Phantom Faith. He is teaching from Luke 8:4. Pastor Kevin explains to us how we need to respond to God’s calling in order to grow in our faith....
Phantom Faith

Phantom Faith

Phantom Faith |Week 1 by Pastor Michael | We're kicking off our new series Phantom Faith. Paster Michael is in Luke 8, and he talks about the four types of people who receive God's word - challenging us to make sure our faith is authentic and real....