Isolated But Not Alone | Week 1

by Pastor AJ | Pastor AJ kicks off our new series Isolated, But Not Alone. He relates our current situation with Paul's as he writes the book of Philipians from prison.

Isolated But Not Alone | Week 2

by Pastor Zach | This week Pastor Zach continues in our series Isolated, But Not Alone by talking about how we, as Christians, are called to live in community with each other.

Isolated But Not Alone | Week 3

by Pastor Zach | This week Pastor Zach continues in our series Isolated, But Not Alone by looking again at Philippians 2. Paul talks about how we should stop grumbling and complaining no matter our situation.

Isolated But Not Alone | Week 4

by Pastor Zach | This week Pastor Zach continues in Paul's letter to the Philippians, where he talks about the end goal, and how we shouldn't let our past dictate our present.

Isolated But Not Alone | Week 5

by Pastor AJ | Pastor AJ continues in our series Isolated, But Not Alone. He continues working through the book of Philippians, talking about finding joy in all circumstances by casting our anxieties onto God.

Isolated But Not Alone | Week 6

by Pastor Zach | For the last time at the Tiffin Drive-in, we're finishing our series Isolated, But Not Alone. Pastor Zach talks about Paul's perspective on contentment and how we should apply it to our lives.